(Nombre del que firma el certificado), Head of the Judicial Area of the Institut Catalŕ de l'Acolliment i de l'Adopció (Catalan Foster Care and Adoption Institute)



That the Institut Catalŕ de l'Acolliment i l'Adopció



provided that we are officially notified of the award or the minor to Mr/Ms.



-furnish the family with the means necessary to fuldil its responsability to provide periodic on the adaptation of the minor

-supervise the reports and ensure that they are sent to whomever the decision of the corresponding court determines.

By virtue of Law 9/1998 of 15 of July on Family Code, passed by the Parliament of Catalonia, and Law 21/87 of 11 November on adoptions, reformed by Law 1/96 of 15 January of the Legal Protection of the Minor, which partially mofidied the foreign minor is valid whether constituted by the courts of the minor's certificate of suitability if the applicants has previously been issued by the competent body.

Whether the adoption is constitued in the country of origin or in this country, the permission to enter this country shall be granted, should the need arise, by Spanish consular authorities in India.

If a minor has been abandoned, for whatever reason, in the territory of Catalonia, this Institute shall ensure that the Directorate General of child Welfare takes the apropring appropiate measures for the protection of that minor, always subject, to the information and consent of the CARA.

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